Sunday, January 29, 2006

the beach.............

why dont we have a beach in delhi... i miss it so much..............

the best thing about the beach it is was one place u could hang out without burnin a hole in ur pockets...............

U cud feel the solitude ...inspite of all the crowds..u can sit and watch the is as is u and the waves.......there was something about those waves which made me a touch philosophical...makin me to zoom into one of those retrospective moods......playin with the waves was another fun activity..................

ofcourse me and my friend always used to lament that we could not hang out with gal friends in the beach....well he has moved on in his life ...and as for me it has remained an unfulfilled wish.... no probs..... it is a long life.....

ofcourse u had those groundnuts and muri mixtures...and other sea delicacies to go with it...................

well my friends if you ever get into a place on the coastline dont ever miss THE BEACH...............

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